Dr Luigi Tomba of the Australian Centre on China in the World, the Australian National University, has been awarded the Joseph Levenson Prize of 2016 for the best book on post-1900 China for The Government Next Door: Neighborhood Politics in Urban…
Applications for 2017 National Library of Australia Fellowships are open until May 2, 2016. https://www.nla.gov.au/awards-and-grants/fellowships-and-scholarships/national-library-of-australia-fellowships These Fellowships are open to Australian and international researchers and established and emerging scholars. The Fellowships support researchers to make intensive use of the Library’s…
Contemporary China Seminar Series, University of Melbourne David Dollar Senior Fellow, China Center, Brookings Institution 5.30-7.00pm Thursday 11 February, 2016 Old Geology South, Theatre 2, University of Melbourne China’s stock market correction and currency devaluations have sent shock waves through…