Urban Imprint 城式

Peng Yong 彭勇 11 March – 16 April Vermilion Art 5/16 Hickson Rd, Walsh Bay, NSW Australia Urban Imprint is the solo exhibition of talented young printmaking artist Peng Yong from Beijing. Peng Yong was trained at the Central Academy…

Fengshui and Architecture

Chinese Studies Seminar – School of Humanities & Languages, UNSW Chu Chien-lih San Diego State University 3:00pm – 5:00pm, Friday 18 March, 2016 209 Morven Brown, UNSW Kensington, Sydney Campus Map, C20: http://www.facilities.unsw.edu.au/Maps/maps.html Fengshui is an ancient Chinese body of…


INK REMIX: Contemporary Art from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong 墨變:中國大陸台灣香港當代藝術 27 February to 21 May 2016 UNSW Galleries, Cnr Oxford St and Greens Rd Paddington NSW 2021 Contemporary ink art has emerged as one of the most significant…

The Other Shore

In-conversation with Wei Leng Tay 6:00pm – 7:00pm, Thursday, 31 March 2016 Muse, East Hotel, 69 Canberra Ave, Kingston ACT Wei Leng Tay is an artist based in Hong Kong and Singapore. Working predominantly with photography and sound, Tay is…

The Stamp of Authority

CIW Lecture Series – National Library of Australia The Stamp of Authority: Printing in the Celestial Court Stephen Whiteman 6pm-7pm, Thursday 17 March 2016 Theatre, Lower Ground 1, National Library of Australia Dr Stephen Whiteman, lecturer in Asian Art at…

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Breath

National Library of Australia In Conversation 6pm-7pm, Thursday 10 March 2016 Theatre, Lower Ground 1, National Library of Australia, Canberra Chinese-Australian multi-media artist Tianli Zu and Chinese art scholar Edmund Capon AM, OBE, are two people for whom Chinese art…

Between Chinese State and Tibetan Nation

2016 Chinese Studies Department Seminar Series – University of Sydney Between Chinese State and Tibetan Nation: Language Shift among Tibet’s Minority Languages and the Case of the Manegacha Language of Qinghai Dr Gerald Roche 4:00-5:30pm Monday 21 March, 2016 Woolley…

ASAA Postgraduate Conference Awards 2016

Biennial Postgraduate Conference Awards In the Asian Studies Association of Australia, we pride ourselves in promoting young scholars as a key part of our activities as a professional association. For this reason, we support the attendance of postgraduate students at our biennial…