Open Knowledge and Digital China

Institute for Culture and Society Seminar Series – Western Sydney University Open Knowledge and Digital China: Open Access, Networked Technologies and the Transformation of Publishing and Scholarship Dr Xiang Ren 11.30am – 1pm, Thursday 6 April 2017 EB.G.18, Parramatta Campus…

China in Africa

Contemporary China Seminar Series – Centre for Contemporary China Studies, University of Melbourne China in Africa: What is OBOR and why is the Indian Ocean in focus? Dr Lauren Johnston, University of Melbourne 5.30-7.00pm Thursday 6 April, 2017 Arts West…

Crony Capitalism in China

Contemporary China Seminar Series – Centre for Contemporary China Studies, University of Melbourne The Origins and Dynamics of Crony Capitalism in China: Insights from Prosecuted Cases of Collusive Corruption Professor Minxin Pei, Claremont McKenna College 5.30-7.00pm Thursday 23 March, 2017…

Postgraduate Research Day

CFP – Postgraduate Research Day in China Studies Macquarie University, 10 July 2017 As part of the Chinese Studies Association of Australia’s 15th Biennial Conference, the Sydney China Studies Student Society are collaborating with the CSAA to host a postgraduate…

Shanghai and its Biennale

University of Sydney Contemporary Art and the Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai and its Biennale Emeritus Professor John Clark, University of Sydney 6:00—7:30pm, Tuesday 28 March 2017 New Law School LT 104, New Law School Building (F10) Eastern  Avenue, the University…