Visionary realities: documentary cinema in 20th century China

China Studies Centre, University of Sydney, co-presented with Sydney Ideas 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, Wednesday 24 October 2018 F23 Administration Building Auditorium, Eastern Avenue, The University of Sydney Registration: From war newsreels to ethnographic documentaries; from labour training…

2019 Women in Asia Conference

The University of New South Wales The 2019 Women in Asia Conference will be held at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney on June 21-June 23 2019. The Women in Asia Forum is affiliated with the Asian Studies Association of Australia and hosts…

How to do fieldwork in China?

China Studies Centre, University of Sydney 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Wednesday 10 October 2018 Seminar Room 342, New Law School Annexe Cost: Free Registration: Is there a right way to do fieldwork in China? What things do we…

Adventures in Chinese Analytics

China Studies Research Centre, La Trobe University 2:30-4:00pm Thursday 13 September Room 318, Education 2, La Trobe University Data mining can be readily applied to datasets of various to generate insights, by way of clustering and classification. In this talk,…

Australia and China in the Pacific

Pacific Research Community, La Trobe Asia and the China Studies Research Centre, La Trobe University 6:00 – 7:00pm, Thursday 20 September (Light refreshments 5-6pm. Discussion panel will run 6-7pm.) Level 2, La Trobe City Campus, 360 Collins Street, Melbourne Register…

Two public events by Professor Anne Cheng

The University of Sydney —————- Seminar: Does Zhongguo 中國 mean the Middle Kingdom? 4.00-5.30pm, Monday, 3 September 2018 SLC Common Room, Room 536, Brennan MacCallum (A18), University of Sydney RSVP:   The quest for the original texts supposedly related…

Contemporary China Seminars

Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, the University of Melbourne —————- CHINA’S BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE IN EUROPE Dr Gudrun Wacker — German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Berlin) Thursday 6 September 2018, 5:30 – 7:00pm Theatre 1, Old Geology…