Two Vacant Academic Positions

The Department of Chinese LiteratureNational Cheng-Chi University Assistant Professors Academic Expertise: (1) Chinese Philology (priority), (2) Chinese Thought, (3) Chinese Literature The Department of Chinese Literature at National Chengchi University, Taiwan, invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the…

2019 Visiting Program for Young Sinologists

The Visiting Program for Young Sinologists aims to build a platform to support overseas young sinologists in carrying out Chinese studies, to provide convenient and substantial assistance for their academic research, to support their exchanges and collaborative research projects with…

ASAA 2020 Conference

We are pleased to announce that the University of Melbourne will host the 23rd biennial Asian Studies Association of Australia conference, 6-9 July 2020.  We invite you to please mark the conference dates in your diary and consider submitting an…

A Cultural Nationalist in Early Republican China

China Studies Research Centre, La Trobe University 2:00-3:30 Monday 4 March 2019 Room 318, Education 2 (ED2), La Trobe University Register before 3 March Ma Yifu 马一浮 (1883-1967) was a major twentieth-century Confucian philosopher yet he remains virtually unknown outside China. As…