Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, The University of Melbourne Thursday 29 August, 5:30 – 7:00pm Theatre 1, Old Geology (Building 155), The University of Melbourne Admission is free but places are limited so registrations are essential. Large scale rural-to-urban migration…
“China: How to…” series: How to do fieldwork?
Women in Chinese Media
CSAA submission to DFAT’s new National Foundation for Australia-China Relations
Conference Podcasts
Author Meets Critics Professor Ge Zhaoguang (葛兆光)introduced his new books 《何为中国?》(”What is China?”) and 《历史中国的内与外》(The “interior” and the “exterior” in historical China) and answered questions at the Author Meets Critics session of the 16th Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies…
隰桑有阿:白裤瑶桑蚕文化中的象征 (In the Eye of a Silkworm: A Fieldwork Report on Silk Culture of the White-trousers Yao)
Inner Asian Islam in 18th-century Beijing
China Studies Centre, the University of Sydney Thursday 8 August 2019, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm AESTCarslaw Tutorial Room 453, Carslaw Building, The University of Sydney Registration: http://bit.ly/8AugustSeminar In the mid-eighteenth century (Qianlong-era), following the Qing conquest of what is now the Xinjiang…