“China: How to…” series: How to do fieldwork?

China Studies Centre, the University of Sydney Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm, Thursday, 22 August 2019    Location: Education Seminar Room 625-626, University of Sydney Registration: https://bit.ly/2NujyPa Is there a right way to do fieldwork for your China-related research? This event shares insights…

Women in Chinese Media

University of Technology Sydney 12:30pm – 1:30pm Mon, August 5, 2019 UTS Building 10, Level 5, Room 580 In accordance with the global trend of women’s employment in journalism, China has witnessed an unprecedented increase in women’s participation in the…

Conference Podcasts

Author Meets Critics Professor Ge Zhaoguang (葛兆光)introduced his new books 《何为中国?》(”What is China?”) and 《历史中国的内与外》(The “interior” and the “exterior” in historical China) and answered questions at the Author Meets Critics session of the 16th Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies…

Inner Asian Islam in 18th-century Beijing

China Studies Centre, the University of Sydney Thursday 8 August 2019, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm AESTCarslaw Tutorial Room 453, Carslaw Building, The University of Sydney Registration: http://bit.ly/8AugustSeminar  In the mid-eighteenth century (Qianlong-era), following the Qing conquest of what is now the Xinjiang…

Revolutionary Optimism in 1950s Chinese Culture

Department of Chinese Studies in collaboration with the China Studies Centre ‘Language, Literature, Culture and Education’ Research Cluster, University of Sydney 4–5.30pm, Monday, 12 August 2019 Oriental Room S204, the Quadrangle A14, University of Sydney When Chinese revolutionary culture reached…