China Studies Research Centre and La Trobe Asia, La Trobe University 6 – 7:30pm, Tuesday 01 October 2019Room 3.09, Level 3, La Trobe University City Campus 360 Collins Street, Melbourne The People’s Republic of China will celebrate its 70th anniversary…
[POSTPONED] A Southern Perspective on Things: China, Climate Change and Ghosts
Conference: Re-Worlding Chinese Transnationalisms symposium – Call for Papers
Discussion forum “China’s Place in World Literature” “中国在世界文学中的地位”作家专题研讨会
Developing Research Collaborations with Chinese Researchers and Research Institutions: The Case of STEM Education
China and the World: Language, Culture, Politics
Sofia University and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Dates: 12-13th December, 2019 Venue: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria. Language of the conference: English No conference fee Abstracts submission deadline: 30th August, 2019; Announcement of accepted abstracts: 30th September, 2019 Applications via…
Crisis Management vs Ethnic Tension: The Qing Dynasty’s Dilemma
女性主體與日常視角──台灣女詩人林婉瑜詩中的愛情與日常 Female subject and Daily Perspective:The Descriptions of Love and Daily Life in Taiwanese Female Poet Yuyu Lin ‘s Poems
University of Sydney 5pm, Monday, 26 August 2019SLC Common Room, Brennan MacCallum Building A18, University of Sydney This talk will be given in Mandarin. 林婉瑜,1977年生,台灣台中人。她的詩大多是抒情詩,尤其偏重於對愛情的描寫,以日常生活為場景,藉由自由活潑的想像與優美流暢的文字,呈現信手拈來的機趣,使愛情顯現生活化與流動的特質。本次演講將以女性主義觀點為依據,探討林婉瑜如何以女性主體的位置,書寫有關愛情的多種感覺,並且和日常生活融合在一起,表現她個人的獨特風格。 從女性主義觀點來看,女詩人書寫愛情,大多是被動式的等待,對愛情十分執著,依附在男性身上,因此常常表現為創傷、憂鬱的情感。女性主義思想也鼓勵作家書寫身體和情慾,用來打破女性在愛情中的被動狀態,從而建立女性的主體位置。林婉瑜對愛情不是被動式的等待,而是以「我」為主體,表達「我」對愛情的嚮往、愛慕、愉悅、猜疑、焦慮、幻滅、頓悟等,主題相當多元。而詩中的場景,少見戰爭、死亡等生離死別的大議題,反而常見的是日常的生活空間,例如城市、街道、咖啡館、校園、夜市等,也有抽象或後設的情境,例如星空、夢境、網路媒體、大雨來臨時、雷電襲擊時以及在「時間」之流中的想像與叩問。但林婉瑜不直接描寫身體與情慾,她仍是著重在心靈與想像的層面,抒情意味濃厚,因此被稱為是台灣當代優秀的抒情詩人。林婉瑜的情詩,突破以往女詩人書寫愛情的模式,在抒情的筆調中,仍經常顯現女性主體的思考,她具有自己獨特的風格,也建立女性詩歌文化的另一種模式。 Yuyu Lin was born in 1977 and lives in Taichung. Her lively and prolific poems are…