2023 CSAA Best Postgraduate Essay Prize Due on Sunday. 1 October, 2023 In the biennial Conferences of CSAA, we foster original and quality research undertaken by postgraduate students in Chinese Studies. For this reason, a prize of $500 shall be…
The Chinese Studies Association of Australia cordially invites proposals for its forthcoming biennial conference. Contributions addressing the conference theme,“Changing China: Then and Now”, are especially encouraged, though proposals on any area of Chinese Studies are welcome. Proposals may be for individual or joint papers or for panels. We look forward to putting together a wide-ranging, multi- disciplinary montage of the best research in Chinese Studies being done both in Australia and overseas.
Monday 29 Nov – Wednesday 1 Dec, 2021
Australian National University
Follow the link for more details.
Author Meets Critics Professor Ge Zhaoguang (葛兆光)introduced his new books 《何为中国?》(”What is China?”) and 《历史中国的内与外》(The “interior” and the “exterior” in historical China) and answered questions at the Author Meets Critics session of the 16th Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies…
Engaging Chinese Scholarship: New Directions, New Challenges Monday 1 July – Wednesday 3 July, 2019La Trobe University (city campus, 360 Collins St), Melbourne Hosted by the China Studies Research Centre of La Trobe University, the Chinese Studies Association of Australia…