Call for applications: Sydney China Distinguished Fellowship 2025

Close Date: 31 October 2024

Submit your application here

This fellowship is enabled by the acuity of vision and generosity of Mr James Lee, a University of Sydney alumnus now based in Hong Kong. The purpose of this gift is to establish and support the Sydney China Distinguished Fellowship Program within the Discipline of Chinese Studies in the School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney. In collaboration with the China Studies Centre, the Program will appoint one or more Distinguished Fellows each year.

Distinguished Fellows must be employed at or affiliated with a university or research organisation other than the University of Sydney. They should have an outstanding record of research and a willingness to work with staff at the University of Sydney. Preference will be given to academics engaged in research on Chinese Culture, Chinese Literature, or translation studies.

Distinguished Fellows will be expected to stay in Sydney for four to twelve weeks each year,

Distinguished Fellows will be expected to present:

  • a public lecture
  • a research presentation
  • and a master class with graduate students.

In addition, all publication resulting from the Fellowship are requested to acknowledge the University and Centre’s support.

The Distinguished Fellowship will provide

  • return economy class airfare
  • an accommodation subsidy of up to AUD$200 a day
  • stipend of AUD$1000 a week
  • office space
  • library and related systems access.

Click here for more details