Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
With its establishment in 1967, the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) supports not only established traditional fields of Sinology, but also engages in the study of modern and contemporary China. ICS provides a platform for scholars in different fields of Chinese Studies to conduct interdisciplinary research and publicize their work.
In 2022, ICS will launch a Visiting Fellowship Programme for scholars in Chinese Studies to visit and conduct research at CUHK for a period of 3-6 months. Scholars working on a topic related to any of the research centres and programmes at ICS or more broadly at CUHK are invited to apply. While in residence, the Visiting Fellow is expected to interact with colleagues at CUHK, conduct and present his/her research, and work on a publication project.
Eligibility Criteria
Assistant Professors or above from recognized universities or research institutions are eligible to apply.
Application Procedure
Interested individuals should submit a current curriculum vitae and a research project description. Applicants should identify CUHK colleagues that they would like to work or interact with. Airfare to and from home institution (economy class), on-campus accommodation, an office space and monthly stipend of HKD$18,000 will be supported. Submissions should be sent for the attention of the Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, by email or faxed (852) 2603 5149. Deadline for application will be 1 January 2022. Selection will be made on a competitive basis.
Completion Report
The visiting scholar is expected to provide a three-page written report within 3 months of completion, listing the activities participated during his/her visit. Besides, he/she is required to submit ICS a book manuscript/chapters with the acknowledgment to this visiting scheme that he/she published within a year.
Enquiries should be directed to the ICS Office by email at