Value: AUD$30,000 per annum for 3 years, tax free stipend
Number of Scholarships: Up to 8
Program commencement date: by 31 March 2015
Closing date: 31 August 2014 for International Students, 31 October 2014 for Domestic (Australian & New Zealand citizens and Australian Permananet Residents) Students
For inquiries please contact: ciw@anu.edu.au or +61 2 6125 9060
The Australian Centre on China in the World (CIW) is an interdisciplinary research institution established to enhance the existing capabilities of The Australian National University (ANU) in the field of Chinese studies. It aims to be an integrated, world-leading institution for Chinese Studies and the understanding of China, or what has been called ‘Greater China’ or the ‘Chinese Commonwealth’ (the People’s Republic of China, the Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions, as well as Taiwan and the Chinese diaspora), on a global scale.
After successfully recruiting seven among domestic and international students in 2013, CIW is launching its second round of PhD Scholarships. Scholarships are open to domestic (Australia, New Zealand Citizens and Australian Permanent Residents) and international students.
Applications for up to eight scholarships are welcome from research students with interest in any of the disciplines of the humanities and the social sciences and with a strong focus on China.
Scholarships will be for three years at a rate of $30,000 AUD per year, a rate higher than the present Australian Postgraduate Award stipend. Depending on approval, scholarship can be extended by six months. CIW will also provide access to a “skill development fund” to enable students to participate in training activities deemed necessary to the research endeavour of the candidate. Skill development may include language training in Chinese, or other skills relevant to the topic of the dissertation.
Students will have working space in the new purpose-built facilities of CIW located on the ANU’s Canberra campus and will become part of a vibrant community of young China scholars at the ANU. More on the programs and public activities of the Centre can be found at the CIW website and The China Story.