Professor Jianwei Wang
4:30 – 6:00pm, Thu. 17 August 2017
New Law Building Annex SR, 342 Eastern Avenue, The Camperdown, NSW 2006
Xi Jinping will soon finish his first term as China’s top leader and therefore it is a proper time to assess his domestic and foreign policy achievements. This presentation will give a preliminary examination and assessment of Xi’s diplomatic breakthroughs and accomplishments as well as bottlenecks and challenges facing his next term.
Jianwei Wang received his B.A. and M.A in international politics from Fudan University in Shanghai and his Ph. D. in political science from University of Michigan. He is currently professor of the Department of Government and Public Administration, director of Institute of Global and Public Affairs, University of Macau. His research interests focus on Sino-American relations, East Asian security affairs, Chinese foreign policy, and Sino-Japanese relations. He has published extensively in these areas.