University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba
22 – 23 November 2017
This Conference is timed to mark developments in Australia’s migrant and minority printed press since 1967. It has been fifty years since Miriam Gilson and Jerzy Zubrzycki’s ground-breaking study on the foreign-language press in Australia. Australia’s cultural landscape has transformed significantly as a result of increasing understanding of, and services in support of, the diverse multilingual and multicultural communities across Australian society. Analysis of the printed press of such communities has also advanced through multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research from several substantial historiographical influences, including discourses of postcolonialism and methodological developments in cultural history and world history approaches.
The Conference brings together the latest research on Australia’s migrant and minority press from the colonial era to the present day, with an emphasis on themes of belonging, community and conflict. The convenors welcome papers exploring any aspects concerning Indigenous, migrant and/or minority community newspapers (print or digitised) in Australia, as well as their intercultural, transnational and diasporic contexts. Papers speaking to multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches are also of interest.
Submission Information:
Abstract (250 words)
Short Biography (100 words)
Due: Friday, 23 June 2017
We invite abstracts for individual papers and panel sessions. Each presenter will have 20 minutes to present, followed by 10 minutes’ discussion time. The convenors intend to publish a selection of the best papers from the Conference as a special edition of a high quality, peer-reviewed journal.
More information: https://artsworx.usq.edu.au/learn/educational-learning/voices-of-the-australian-migrant-and-minority-press/