China Story Yearbook 2015: Pollution染
Norton Rose Fulbright
Level 21, ONE ONE ONE
111 Eagle St, Brisbane, QLD 4000
Wednesday 2 November 2016
5:30pm – Drinks Reception
6pm – Book Launch
RSVP by Monday 31 October 2016: http://bit.ly/2e2VL84
The China Story Yearbook 2015 is an essential companion to making sense of current public debates about China.
The multiple meanings of the term 污染 (pollution) allow authors to weave together the events of 2015, and tackle a broad range of topics, from the reorganising of Beijing’s boundaries for better regional coordination on environmental issues, to the environmental implications of its foreign investment, to the latest developments in the field of justice, ideology, culture, agriculture, and more.
The China Story Yearbook 2015: Pollution will be launched by Professor Terry Flew, followed by ‘China Now’, a panel discussion with experts from the field.
Professor Terry Flew,
Professor of Media and Communication, Creative Industries Faculty,
Queensland University of Technology
Dr Jane Golley,
Deputy Director Australian Centre on China in the World
Australian National University
Dr Luigi Tomba,
Associate Director Australian Centre on China in the World
Australian National University
Professor Sue Trevaskes,
Researcher and Academic at Griffith University
Adjunct Director Australian Centre on China in the World