Time and Date: 5.00pm-7.30pm, Wednesday 20 July 2016
Venue: Melbourne School of Design, Theatre B117, University of Melbourne, Parkville
The China Symposium presents the latest research on emerging key topics on the Chinese economy. The past year has been tumultuous in the Chinese economy. China’s stock market correction and currency devaluations in June-August last year rattled global markets, and this jitteriness has continued into 2016. As China is now the second largest economy in the world, persistent turmoil there will have adverse implications for the rest of the world. What are the near- and medium term prospects for the Chinese economy? Does the government have sufficient macroeconomic tools to steer a safe passage through the current transition from an investment-led economy to one based more on innovation on the supply side and consumption on the demand side? Will China be able to deliver on the promises to reduce carbon use and curb greenhouse emissions?
More information available here.
Admission is free however registration is essential as places are limited. Please Register at Eventbrite.