We invite paper and panel proposals for the first China Road international conference in the Southern Hemisphere. The conference is hosted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the University of Newcastle.
When: 13-15 August 2016
Where: Noah’s on the Beach Hotel, Cnr Shortland Esplanade & Zaara Street, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
By calling the conference ‘The China Road’ we seek to evoke a number of levels of meaning. It concerns China’s distinct path in the modern world, a path that has also been called the ‘Beijing Consensus’ and ‘socialism with Chinese characteristics’. It also evokes the new ‘Belt and Road Initiative’, which seeks to revitalise countries along and around the old Silk Road, an ancient series of cultural and economic transition routes all the way from China to Europe. This revitalisation is usually seen in economic terms, but it also includes cultural, social and educational dimensions. These and other levels of meaning continue to generate significant debate and discussion: is China’s path distinct? If so, what are the features of this path? What role does China’s distant and recent history play in such a path?
The conference will examine the China Road from a range of perspectives. These include philosophy, economics, politics, society, education, culture, different forms of democracy, and international relations in the Asian Century. Taking into account past and present, the conference will also explore future potential for the China Road in its many dimensions. The conference is ideally placed to make a significant impact, attracting attention by the media and the wider public.
The China Road conference will include a significant number of leading Chinese scholars, selected by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. It is, therefore, a perfect opportunity for Australian and international scholars, researchers (including PhD students) in Chinese studies to participate.
The call for panel proposals and papers is now officially open, with full details at:
Panel proposals should include a panel title, rationale, list of presenters (up to four), abstracts for each presentation.
Paper proposals should include a title, abstract of up to 200 words, name of presenter and location.
NOTE: the deadline for panel and paper proposals is 1 May 2016.
Participants whose proposals are accepted will be required to register at the time for the conference.