2023 CSAA Best Postgraduate Essay Prize
Due on Sunday. 1 October, 2023
In the biennial Conferences of CSAA, we foster original and quality research undertaken by postgraduate students in Chinese Studies. For this reason, a prize of $500 shall be awarded for the best Postgraduate essay presented at the 2023 CSAA Conference, with registration fee waived.
Once accepted by the Conference, the full paper must be submitted by filling out this form by 1 October 2023.
- The essay must be single-authored.
- The student must be enrolled in a postgraduate program (either master’s or PhD) at the time of the Conference and should be enrolled in Australian university. Submit proof of student status with your essay.
- Essays submitted for consideration must be between 5000 and 7000 words, including footnotes and bibliographies.
- Essays will be judged on their research contribution, expression, originality and professional quality.
- The winning entry will be announced during the conference, and the awardee must attend and present at the conference.
- The Asian Studies Review will work with the winner towards the possibility of publication either in ASR or a similar journal. Consequently, all submissions should follow the style guideline of ASR, which can be found at https://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructions&journalCode=casr20 .
Further details about the conference will be updated at here.