2023 CSAA Travel Bursaries
Due on Monday. 31 July, 2023
In the Chinese Studies Association of Australia, we pride ourselves on promoting emerging scholars in Chinese Studies as a key part of our missions as a scholarly association. To this end, we support the attendance of postgraduate students at our biennial conferences. This year, we will award a value of $500 bursary each to nine postgraduate students to support their attendance at the 2023 CSAA Conference at University of Sydney, with registration fee waived.
The application should be made by filling this form by 31 July 2023.
- The student must be enrolled in a postgraduate program (either master’s or PhD) at the time of the Conference and should be enrolled in universities of Australia and New Zealand. A proof of student status shall be required.
- Bursary applicants should submit an expression of interest of 500 words explaining why CSAA should support your attendance.
- Awardees will each be required to present a paper at the conference in person.
- Applicants from Sydney-area universities may have registration fee waived instead of bursaries.
Further details about the conference will be updated at here.