Changing China: Then and Now
Monday 29 November – Wednesday 1 December, 2021
The Australian National University, Canberra

Change has been at the centre of the Chinese experience. Yet it has taken a range of forms and has elicited a variety of responses. The recurring cycle of 64 hexagrams in the foundational Yi jing (Classic of Changes) sets out a scheme of gradual permutation that underlies all social and cosmic processes; it postulates continuous substitution rather than instant change. The stadial, unidirectional notion of change that, for example, shaped much of the modern and contemporary Chinese experience produced a more radical displacement of, and rupture with, past identities. Recent generations of Chinese political leaders have revisited the relationship between change and continuity. They have often emphasised what they conceive of as immutable aspects of the Chinese tradition. This interplay between change and continuity has affected how China, in all its facets, is understood internationally. In the case of mainland China, foreign perceptions have wavered between admiration for the striking pace of its developmental change, perplexity over the unchanging persistence of its efforts even when faced with major obstacles or criticism, and rising concern over actual or imagined changes in its role and responsibilities as a global power. Other parts of the Sinophone world have also been at the centre of similar discussions, for both their shifting relationship to the mainland and in their own right.
The Chinese Studies Association of Australia cordially invites proposals for its forthcoming biennial conference. Contributions addressing the conference theme, “Changing China: Then and Now”, are especially encouraged, though proposals on any area of Chinese Studies are welcome. Proposals may be for individual or joint papers or for panels. We look forward to putting together a wide-ranging, multi- disciplinary montage of the best research in Chinese Studies being done both in Australia and overseas.
The conference welcomes presentations in English and Chinese. Abstracts for individual papers (including papers for panels) and roundtables should not exceed 250 words.
This will be an in-person conference on the ANU campus. In the event that international travel remains impossible through 2021, we will aim for dual-delivery methods to accommodate on-line participation.
Conference languages: English and Chinese
Closing date for submissions: 13 August, 2021
Announcement of successful submissions: 31 August, 2021
Please submit your abstract including paper title, authors’ affiliation and contact details, and a short bio (approx. 50 words) via this online form.
Please send any enquiries to:
Further details will be updated at:
The CSAA is the professional association for China specialists and post- graduate students in Australia, and is affiliated with the Asian Studies Association of Australia.
2021年 11 月 29日 – 12 月 1日
澳大利亞中國研究協會(CSAA)創立於1991年, 由澳大利亞從事中國研究的專家、學者和研究生組成,是澳洲重要的學術組織。協會將於2021年11月29日-12月1日於堪培拉的澳大利亞國立大學召開第十七屆雙年會。
《易經》言,變化乃人類社會與自然之主旨。中國自古至今飽經變遷,無論是歷代王朝與社會的變革,近代的多舛與崎嶇,還是當代的革新與復興傳統,皆實踐著嬗變與傳承的交融,印證著“變” 與“不變”之道。今日的國際社會既欽羨中國日新月異的發展,不解中國在面對阻力與非議之下推行的政策,又日益擔憂中國未來在國際社會將扮演的角色。海外的華人社會, 亦隨著中國的變化, 而呈現與之聯動或獨特的發展。本次會議,即以“變遷中國”為主題,探討中國、中國之於世界,過去與現在的變與不變。
本協會誠摯邀請海內外中國研究專家與學者惠賜論文並參加會議,希冀匯聚四海同儕,跨越學科藩籬,開拓視野,切磋砥礪,日益精進。會議包括個人論文發表、小組和圓桌主題討論,中英文皆可。凡願意與會發表者,請於 2021年 8月 13日前將論文題目,摘要以及個人簡介、聯繫方式(約 50字)由網上填寫遞交。如有任何問題,歡迎垂詢
Chinese Studies Association of Australia 17th Biennial Conference Organizing Committee:
Jane Golley, Australian National University (President, CSAA)
Michael Schimmelpfennig, Australian National University (Treasurer, CSAA)
Mark Strange, Australian National University (Secretary, CSAA)
Louise Edwards, University of New South Wales (Council member, CSAA)
John Makeham, La Trobe University (Council member, CSAA)
Yu Tao, University of Western Australia (Council member, CSAA)
Shuge Wei, Australian National University (Council member, CSAA)
Matthew Galway, Australian National University (Event Committee member, CSAA)
Event officer: Mahealani Delaney, Australian National University