China Studies Research Centre of La Trobe University
3:00- 4:30 pm AEDT, Wednesday 29 April 2020
Please note this rescheduled event will be held online via Zoom.
Telephone: +61 2 8015 2088 and enter meeting ID: 348 466 6015
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The growing recognition of the need to manage groundwater resources in a more sustainable way has led to more stringent environmental protection regulations. Most current regulatory jurisdictions in Australia and other countries require not only that a landfill has negligible effects on groundwater quality but also that the service life of lining systems be assessed. It is of paramount importance that detailed performance assessments of lining systems are undertaken, using experimentation and theoretical models to evaluate the impact of potential chemo-thermally induced liner failures on groundwater resources. In this presentation, Dr Aboel Naga will introduce his experiences in working collaboratively with researchers at Guangzhou University to understand the long-term performance of geosythetic lining systems designed to protect groundwater quality. The presentation will also introduce some of the challenges involved in setting up and maintaining this collaboration and explain some general lessons that have been learnt from working in China that researchers in other fields might also benefit from.
About the Speaker
Dr Aboel Naga is the Head of Engineering at La Trobe University and Adjunct Professor at Chongqing University, China. Dr Aboel Naga has over 25-year experience in geotechnical engineering, specialising in soil behaviour under multi-physical coupled processes.
Other Upcoming CSRC Events
Thursday 23 April 2020 Online Seminar: Building Research Collaborations with Researchers and Institutions in China: A Plant Biologist’s Story