Chinese studies, University of Bergen

Associate professor
The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Bergen (Norway) invites applications for a permanent position as Associate Professor in Chinese Studies (culture, history, literature or another closely related field) at the Department of Foreign Languages. The starting date for the position is 1 August 2020, or as soon as possible thereafter.
The Department of Foreign Languages spans nine different languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish Language and Latinamerican Studies. Teaching and research are conducted in the following disciplines: language/linguistics, literature, cultural studies and didactics (
The Department has around 60 permanent academic staff, 30 in postdoctoral and PhD positions and ten administrative staff. The Department offers a bachelor’s degree in Chinese, and is currently planning to develop the program further. The Chinese program has three permanent staff, including the advertised position, and one postdoctoral position.
Work tasks/ research field:
The responsibilities of an Associate Professor in Chinese studies include research, teaching, supervision, student assessment at all levels, course development, and administrative duties related to the program and the Department. The applicant must document some breadth in research and teaching. The successful candidate will be expected to be an active researcher and to teach at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The successful applicant must be able to teach courses in both Chinese language and China studies.
The successful candidate is also expected to participate in the ongoing development of the Department’s research.
The appointee has a right and an obligation to do research within their field of competence, and the position also includes relevant administrative tasks.
The appointee is required to master Norwegian, or another Scandinavian language, at B2 level (The Common European Framework) within three years of appointment. The University offers courses in Norwegian for foreign employees.
The holder of the position is expected to establish residence in such a way as to be able to participate in the work of the department on a daily basis, and to comply with the rules and regulations applicable to the position.
Qualifications and personal qualities:
To be considered for the position, the candidate must:
- hold a Norwegian doctoral degree or equivalent in Chinese studies (culture, history, literature or other related disciplines)
- have teaching and supervision experience at undergraduate and graduate levels in Chinese studies
- document a high level of competence in Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) and English
- document a good publishing record with internationally recognized journals and publishers
In the evaluation of the applications emphasis will be placed on:
- The quality and relevance of the applicant’s research and publishing record relative to career stage
- Background relevant to the profile for the position as described above
- Pedagogical competence
- Documented competency in project leadership, coordination of research activities and strategic research planning.
- Research plans
Applicants for the position will be evaluated and ranked by an expert committee which will place most emphasis on the candidates’ research. The best qualified candidates will be invited to an interview and asked to give a trial lecture.
Personal aptitude will be of great importance. Emphasis will be given to the ability to work collaboratively as well as applicants’ current research projects and their potential to strengthen the Department’s future academic profile. Experience in attracting external funding will also be given emphasis.
All employees must generally, and irrespective of academic specialization, take on shared responsibility for the development of their subjects and course offerings at all levels. All employees must also be willing to take on administrative tasks. As part of their regular work duties employees may be required to teach, supervise or carry out exam-related work within their field of competence outside their own department.
Basic teaching training and experience in the supervision of students at university level is a requirement for the position as associate professor. This implies completed formal pedagogical training, as well as basic skills in planning, implementation, evaluation and development of teaching and supervision. Relevant courses in combination with actual teaching experience could replace a university pedagogy program. Should the successful applicant not have such competence at the time of appointment, they will be required to document such training within two years of the date of appointment.
Pedagogical training must be documented in a pedagogical portfolio which should include a documented overview of practical experience and competence as well as a brief reflection statement. The statement should primarily describe the applicant’s own teaching philosophy and an evaluation of their own teaching in relation to their knowledge of students’ learning at a higher education level. For further information on how to document pedagogical training, please click here.
We can offer:
- Salary at pay grade 64 (code 1011/ Pay range 24 alternative 8) on the state salary scale. This currently amounts to an annual salary of NOK 572 700 before taxes. Further salary advancement will depend on seniority. A higher salary may be considered for particularly well-qualified applicants.
- A good and professionally challenging working environment
- Enrolment in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
- Employment in an inclusive workplace (IA enterprise)
- Good welfare benefits
Your application must include:
The application must be sent electronically by using the link “APPLY FOR THIS JOB”. Applicants must use the electronic form for their CV and the application must include:
1. CV
2. Diplomas (higher education) and testimonials
3. The names of 3 references, with contact information
4. Overview of teaching experience, administrative experience and research plans
5. Documentation of pedagogical qualifications (education, teaching experience or other relevant pedagogical experience)
6. A complete list of academic publications
7. Up to five academic works (may include theses, monographs and articles)
The application and appendices with certified translations into English or a Scandinavian language must be uploaded at Jobbnorge within the deadline. Appendices may be uploaded as Word or PDF files.
The expert committee can in special cases ask for additional documentation.
Publications that are not available electronically may be submitted in three copies by mail to Department of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen, PO Box 7805, N-5020 Bergen, Norway.
Successful applicants will be invited for an interview and a trial lecture.
General information:
Further information about the positions can be obtained by contacting the coordinator of the Chinese program, Associate professor Guowen Shang, email, phone +47 55 58 47 78, or head of Department Åse Johnsen, email, phone +47 55 58 22 90.
The state labour force shall reflect the diversity of Norwegian society to the greatest extent possible. People with immigrant backgrounds and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply for the position.
The University of Bergen applies the principle of public access to information when recruiting staff for academic positions.
Information about applicants may be made public even if the applicant has asked not to be named on the list of persons who have applied. The applicant must be notified if the request to be omitted is not met.
For further information about the recruitment process, click here.
For questions regarding the online application process please contact
Guide for application, click here.