School of Culture, History and Language (CHL) and Australian Centre on China in the World, ANU
6 March 2020, 9am – 10am
Lecture Theatre 1, Hedley Bull Building, 130 Garran Rd Acton, ACT 2601

Funny Money and Political Authority in China
Formal opening: Dr Jane Golley, Director, Australian Centre on China in the World
Shadow banking in China as “funny money”
Keynote address: Dr Sara Hsu
Shadow banking in China has been viewed by some government officials as illegitimate finance, but as a key means of financing by others. For the former, the industry has been seen as overly risky, potentially undermining the formal financial system. The latter see shadow banking as an increasingly important part of the financial system, filling a gap in the provision of finance to particular sectors and smaller firms. We analyze the impact of government attitude and actions on the shadow banking sector. This paper contributes to the shadow banking literature by analyzing the impact of government regulation and media participation on the shadow banking and non-shadow banking financial sectors (i.e., the stock market). Using a unique data set based on data collected from various sources in a time series analysis, we find that shadow banking regulation plays a strong role in China’s financial sector.
This workshop is funded by the Australian Centre on China in the World.
Keynote presentation will be followed by refreshments – registration is essential.
Date: 6 March 2020
Time: 9am-10am
Where: Hedley Bull Lecture Theatre 1
This event is a part of a further 2-day workshop. More information on the workshop can be found here.
Further questions about this event can be directed to Tom Cliff