School of Culture, History & Language and Australian Centre on China in the World, The Australian National University
Friday 6 December – Sunday 8 December 2019
Seminar Room, China in the World Building (188), Fellows Lane, ANU

The first of its kind in Australia to examine the scope of state-of-the-art computerized textual analysis of traditional Chinese texts, this workshop will bring together distinguished international experts in the combined fields of Chinese studies and Digital Humanities (DH).
These experts will introduce scholars and students at ANU and beyond to their particular areas of expertise in digital text analysis. This general overview of their work will be followed by sessions devoted to the more specific question of how to digitally analyse multi-layered Chinese texts, such as texts with commentaries.
On its final day, the workshop aims to provide a forum for students and early career researchers to present their own DH projects in the form of poster sessions and discuss them with the experts. The best five presenters will receive small grants in support of their participation.
For more information, please read here.
Workshop speakers
- Christian Wittern – Kyoto University, Japan
- Donald Sturgeon – Durham University, UK
- Jieh Hsiang – National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- Paul Vierthaler – College of William & Mary, USA
Call for Poster Presentation for Digital Humanities In Chinese Studies Workshop
Deadline for contributions: 25 November 2019
OPPORTUNITY TO: • Participate in a workshop on digital analysis of Chinese texts • Gain expert knowledge • Present your own Digital Humanities Project to experts in the field • Practice presenting in the conference and concisely explain the research
• Students in Chinese studies • Early career researchers in Chinese studies
• 1st place $800 AUD • 2nd place $600 AUD • 3rd place $400 AUD • 2 x $300 AUD runner up prizes • All finalists have the opportunity to present research at the conference
HOW TO ENTER: Creatively combine and summarize your DH-Chinese studies project in one poster for presentation and exhibition during the workshop and send in the poster to compete
Any Questions? Contact Michael Schimmelpfennig
More about Michael’s funding can be read here
This workshop is presented by the School of Culture, History and Language and Australian Centre on China in the World, ANU.