The National Parliamentary Fellowship Program, funded through the Australia China Council and The Australian National University, aims to identify and foster the development of a new generation of leaders, promoting investment in Australian bilateral relationships. The program offers 2-3 month reciprocal fellowship between Australia and China. Fellows spend 2 to 3 months pursuing their policy research interest with mentors at Peking University as well as attending events offered through Peking University and other leading research institutes and think-tanks in Beijing.
The program is targeted at current Australian postgraduate students or recent graduates with demonstrated experience in the target country. Fellows will be provided with return economy airfare between Australia and their host country, accommodation for the duration of the fellowship and a monthly stipend. For non-ANU students, tuition fees for enrolment in the associated research course will be sponsored to enable their participation.
For further information and applications details please see the below link:
National Parliamentary Fellowships Program – China
Applications for the program closes on Sunday 15 September.
Download flyer here.
Have a question or want to know more about this opportunity?
Contact the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific :
T : +61 6125 3207
E : contact.npfp@anu.edu.au