China Studies Centre, the University of Sydney
Thursday 8 August 2019, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm AEST
Carslaw Tutorial Room 453, Carslaw Building, The University of Sydney

In the mid-eighteenth century (Qianlong-era), following the Qing conquest of what is now the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, a new community of Muslims came into being in the Inner City of Beijing, residing around a mosque close to the Forbidden City. Like other representatives of newly-incorporated subject populations in the capital, these Muslims became members of the Qing banner system. At the same time, they kept up contact with Xinjiang, and served as intermediaries between Islamic Inner Asia and the court. This talk examines the religious life of this community, and the place of Islam in the high Qing vision of universal emperorship.
Dr David Brophy studies the social and political history of China’s northwest, particularly the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, and its connections with the Islamic and Russian/Soviet worlds. His first book, Uyghur Nation (2016), is on the politics of Uyghur nationalism between China and the Soviet Union in the early twentieth century. He currently holds an ARC Discovery Early Career Research Fellowship, for a project entitled ‘Empire and Religion in Early Modern Inner Asia’, in which he is exploring Inner Asian perspectives on the rise of the Qing in the 17th-18th centuries.
This event is part of the lecture series ‘Borderlands in Chinese History and Archaeology’, co-presented throughout 2019 by the Department of History and the China Studies Centre.