2:30-4:00pm, Thursday 1 November 2018
Room 318, Education 2 (ED2), La Trobe University
Tertiary curricula in China are moving from purely knowledge-based outcomes to a place a greater emphasis on skill-based outcomes, with the objective of developing competencies that suit employer expectations. This seminar presents the findings of a research project which aims to: 1) explore competencies required in a work force and examine employer perceptions of the existing literature for competencies; and 2) empirically test the influence of Sustainability Scholarship on non-technical competencies in the workforce. The underlying competencies regarding sustainability influence the bigger picture within firms for attaining sustainability.
About the Speaker
Dr Mei-Tai (Debbie) Chu is Program Director of Master of Business Information Management and Systems (MBIMS), Research Manager at RECCSI (Research Centre for Computers, Communication and Social Innovation), and Associate Professor in the La Trobe Business School at La Trobe University. She has multi-disciplinary background and has over 10 year’s industry experience globally.