2:30 – 4:00pm, Thursday 8 November
Room 318, Education 2 (ED2), La Trobe University
Happiness is a fundamental human goal pursued and valued across different countries and cultures. To what extent do Chinese people feel happy about their life in the 21st century? What factors are associated with their evaluation of happiness? Drawing on recent empirical evidence from urban China, this paper examines whether and how happiness is associated with individual attitudes, activities and circumstances as well as broader social contexts. This research contributes to happiness studies from a sociological perspective.
About the Speaker
Dr Xianbi Huang is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at La Trobe University. Her main research interests include social networks, social stratification, employment processes and social wellbeing. She has published articles in Sociology, Work, Employment and Society, Social Networks, American Behavioral Scientist, Research in the Sociology of Work, The China Quarterly and other outlets. She has been involved in large scale national survey projects in Australia and China.