2:30 -4:00pm Thursday 24 May
Room 318, Education 2 (ED2), La Trobe University
Will China succeed in balancing the benefits of free trade with the goal of universal health coverage and access to essential medicines?
This presentation explores the potential implications of two proposed mega-regional trade agreements in the Asia-Pacific region for pharmaceutical policy and regulation in China. China is a participant in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), under negotiation between 16 countries since 2012. While it is not involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, now resurrected and rebranded as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP or TPP-11), it will be indirectly affected through changes in regional trade and the integration of TPP-like rules into RCEP.
About the Speaker
Dr Deborah Gleeson is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology and Public Health at La Trobe University. She is actively involved in the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) where she co-convenes the Political Economy of Health Special Interest Group and represents PHAA on issues related to trade and health.