15th -17th July 2018
At the recent 19th Party Congress in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping reiterated that he had no intention of letting China’s economic emergence stall now. While quantitative growth targets were downplayed compared with the past, Xi’s ‘New Era’ sees China smashing through the ‘middle income trap’. There is now an obsessive focus on innovation and industrial upgrading in domestic economic policy. China’s economic diplomacy has also ramped up, as demonstrated by the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in 2015, and potentially far more significantly, the unfolding Belt and Road Initiative.
At the same time, China’s economic success is not guaranteed. There is the threat posed by high debt levels. Under President Xi China also appears to have re-emphasised the role of the state and many economists wonder whether this is consistent with the ongoing improvements in productivity that will be needed if living standards are to continue to rise. Across the Pacific, the United States looks set to take a harder line on China’s economic policies, such as its relative lack of openness to foreign investment and the fairness of the playing field on which its firms compete. And while the Belt and Road might generally be welcomed overseas as a concept, there are challenges in delivering projects that bring real development benefits for participating countries.
Before or on April 30 2018: General participant – AU$400; Student – AU$200
After April 30 2018: General participant – AU$450; Student – AU$250
All participants must register by June 1 2018 to be included in the final program.
Paper submission and conference enquiries: cesa2018@163.com
Other enquiries: Dr Xunpeng Shi, xunpeng.shi@uts.edu.au; +61 2 9143 2000
For more information, please visit: http://www.australiachinarelations.org/content/30th-annual-conference-chinese-economics-society-australia-cesa