Confucianism Today: Culturally Relevant? – A Round Table Discussion
6pm-8pm, Thursday, 3 August 2017
Theatrette, Powerhouse Museum, 500 Harris Street, Ultimo, NSW
Attendance is free but registration is required due to limited seating capacity:
Confucian ethics and Confucian values have experienced a revival in China in recent years. This philosophical system dates back over two thousand years. Its original essence is however contested in academic circles. A panel of Australian experts and a well-known Beijing-based scholar will discuss how Confucianism should be understood today, and whether it has any relevance to life in modern Australia.
The discussion will be in Chinese and English, with interpretation.
The panel will comprise:
Yu Dan 于丹, Professor, Vice Dean of Art and Communication School, Beijing Normal University; Dean of Beijing Institute of Culture Innovation and Communication
Shirley Chan 陈慧, Associate Professor, Chinese Studies, Macquarie University; President, Chinese Studies Association of Australia
Sean Moores 周思频, Lecturer in Chinese and East Asian Thought, Asian Studies Program, University of Sydney
Dimitris Vardoulakis, Associate Professor, Deputy Chair of Philosophy, Western Sydney University
Moderator: Jocelyn Chey 梅卓琳, Professor, Director of Australia-China Institute for Arts and Culture, Western Sydney University