Soft Power & the Worldwide Promotion of Chinese Language Learning: The Confucius Institute Project
By Jeffrey Gil
1.30pm – 2.30pm, Thursday, 15 June 2017
Flinders University, Bedford Park, Room 101, Humanities Building (Carpark 5), Adelaide
To be launched by Mirella Wyra
‘The Confucius Institute Project’ – consisting of Confucius Institutes and Classrooms, the posting of Chinese language teachers to overseas schools and universities and the Chinese Bridge language competition – represents an attempt by China to extend its influence globally through the use of soft power. Facilitated by a rapidly increasing demand for Chinese language learning, it has established a presence across the globe and made valuable contributions to the learning and teaching of Chinese. However, this has not necessarily led to an increasingly positive view of China, either at a political or a societal level. Through an analysis of official documents, interviews with those involved, a survey of Chinese-language learners and a study of academic and media sources, the author evaluates the aims of the project, and discusses whether these aims are being met.
Discount vouchers for the book will be available at the launch.
RSVP at Eventbrite by Wednesday 14 June 2017