The China Centre, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS‐CNRS, Paris), is hiring a post-doctoral researcher within the framework of the research project “Alternative Public Spheres in 20th century China” (principal investigator: Sebastian Veg) for a duration of 12 months, with a starting date on 1 September 2017 or as soon as possible thereafter, on a one-‐year fixed term basis (no possibility of renewal).
Applicants should hold a PhD in 20th century Chinese history, historical sociology, political science or Literature/Cultural Studies/Media studies. French language is a plus, but not a requirement. Applicants should submit a research proposal related to the history of press and publications in 20th century China, preferably focused on the Republican (1912-‐1949) or Mao (1949‐1979) periods. Proposals devoted to transnational Chinese public spheres (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, overseas publications) are also encouraged. The overall project aims to revisit the notion of public sphere by investigating alternative or underground publications, counter-‐publics, and venues where reading communities come together.
The salary will be in the vicinity (subject to minor adjustments) of 2100€ per month pre-tax, on a 12‐month basis. The employing institution will be CNRS. Medical coverage (sécurité sociale), a public transport subsidy, and annual leave will be provided during the period of employment. Post-‐doctoral researchers will be based in the Centre for research on modern and contemporary China (CECMC, 54 bd Raspail, Paris) with access to all EHESS facilities, including libraries.
In addition, research funding will be provided for two separate fieldwork/archival missions to China or other destinations as required. The research proposal should include a brief description of the planned field-‐ or archival work.
Duties will include producing original research and submitting papers for publication to international journals, under the supervision of the Principal investigator. A small amount of research support activities, i.e. conference organization and administrative reporting for the project are also included among the duties (approximately 10% of overall time).
Applications (in English or French) should be sent on or before 20 July 2017, as a single PDF document, to: sebastian.veg@ehess.fr and soulia.bentouhami@ehess.fr , and should contain:
- CV with a list of publications;
- PhD transcript or rapport de soutenance or other equivalent proof of PhD degree;
- 5-page research proposal (Times 12, 1.5 spacing);
- details of two referees who agree to be contacted.
Shortlisted applicants may be contacted for a skype interview in late July.
Inquiries: sebastian.veg@ehess.fr
More information: http://cecmc.hypotheses.org/35626