The National Library of Australia Fellowships support researchers to make intensive use of the Library’s rich and varied collections over a sustained period of three months.
Fellowship categories
Eight funded Fellowships are available for 2018, including two exciting new Fellowships: one for Curatorial Research supported by the Patrons and Supporters of the Libary’s Treasures Gallery Access program, and a Fellowship supported by the Minerals Council of Australia for research across a wide range of fields.
Additional Honorary Fellowships may be awarded to support research and special access, but without financial support.
Who should apply?
Established and early-career researchers and curators from Australia and overseas, undertaking advanced research projects.
All applications are assessed on merit by the Library’s independent Fellowships Advisory Committee.
Fellowship benefits
Recipients undertake a three month residency at the National Library, enabling a sustained period of research based on the Library’s collections. Fellows are normally expected to undertake this period of research in one block.
Funded Fellowships provide the following financial support to recipients:
- an honorarium of AUD $1,000 per week for 12 weeks
- accommodation support, capped at AUD $700 per week for 12 weeks if required (not payable to residents in the Canberra region)
- travel support equivalent to one return domestic airfare to Canberra (not payable to residents in the Canberra region). International travel is capped at AUD $2,500.
Fellows may choose to extend their period of residency, but no further financial support can be offered.
All Fellows receive during their residency:
- special and supported access to collections and staff expertise
- access to the Fellows room, with full office facilities and a personal workstation
- copies of collection materials (within reasonable limits and according to access and copyright conditions)
Honorary Fellows, selected equally on merit, enjoy the same conditions and benefits but without financial support.
Fellows become part of the Library’s community of staff and scholars, including an alumni group of 150 eminent Harold White Fellows.
More information:
On the NLA’s Chinese collection: