Myth-Busting Chinese Corporations in Australia
Dr Colin Hawes
Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney
6.00 pm–7.30 pm, Tuesday 7 March 2017
Moot Court, Building 5B (Block B), University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, NSW, 2007
Chinese state-controlled businesses are assumed to be following Communist Party or security service orders with little concern for their own commercial interests. Private Chinese firms are conflated with state enterprises despite the enormous growth of the Chinese private sector over the past two decades.
Dr Colin Hawes, Associate Professor and Director of Courses in the Law Faculty at UTS, argues that lurking behind these judgements is a biased frame of reference that views Chinese investors primarily as a threat, especially when compared to foreign investors from elsewhere. Dr Hawes has written a report for the Australia-China Relations Institute that challenges what he regards as myths using case studies of major private and state-controlled Chinese corporations that have invested in Australia.
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Contact: acrievents@uts.edu.au or (02) 9514 8953