Special Issue – “Gender in Asian Society and Culture”
The Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia (JOSA), edited by Rosita Holenbergh, is planning a special issue of its 2017 volume (Vol. 49). JOSA is a multidisciplinary academic journal that has been published annually since 1956, out of the University of Sydney, Australia.
Under the rubric “Gender in Asian Society and Culture”, Guest Editors Lily Xiao Hong Lee and Sue Wiles are inviting papers on a wide range of topics, including literature, visual arts, music, science, religion, education, employment, politics and gender relations.
The region to be addressed is Asia, which in our view stretches from Asia Minor across the Middle East and China and on to Japan, as well as south to India and South-East Asia. Themes selected may relate to traditional, modern or contemporary Asia.
Articles should be between 6,000 and 10,000 words in length; illustrations / photographs are usually reproduced in black and white. Articles received will be anonymously reviewed by two referees. A copy of the JOSA Style Guide will be made available upon request.
The closing date for submission is 30 June, 2017.
It is anticipated that this volume of JOSA will be published early in 2018.
Please send submissions and all enquiries to josaeditor@sydney.edu.au