Prof Stephen C. Angle, La Trobe University China Studies Research Centre Visiting Fellow
4:00 – 6:00pm, Wednesday 16 November 2016
Martin Building, Level 3, Room 369, La Trobe University, Melbourne
Beginning in the late eighteenth-century, an understanding of “philosophy” emerged in Europe (and later in North America) that consciously excluded both the histories of non-Western philosophies and comparative philosophy. Exclusion benefitted comparative philosophy in some ways, since it has largely avoided the Eurocentric teleology that has characterized several other comparative disciplines. Still, it is past time for the exclusion to end. This lecture explores the meaning and importance of comparative philosophy, both for philosophy and for our world.
Professor Angle is Mansfield Freeman Professor of East Asian Studies and Professor of Philosophy at Wesleyan University, USA. His most recent books are Contemporary Confucian Political Philosophy: Toward Progressive Confucianism (2012) and, with Michael Slote, Virtue Ethics and Confucianism (2014).
Enquiries: csrc@latrobe.edu.au