11-14 July 2017, Melbourne
The 2017 ASAL conference will ask its presenters to continue to think about Australian literature at home and in the world following on from recent conferences highlighting the worlding of Australian literature, the centrality of indigenous literature, and the changing imperatives and pressures in the teaching of Australian literature in Australia and beyond. This conference asks contributors to look inwards and outwards: examining the continuing fascination with place, context and locality in the face of the global.
One of the highest concentrations of Australian Studies centres in the world is in China. This conference invites Chinese and Australian scholars of Australian literature to come together with other international scholars of Australian literature to examine the teaching and study of Australian literature in the context of this transnational interest.
Offers for single 20 minute papers considering any and all aspects of ‘Australian’ literature broadly conceived are welcomed. Conference themes include:
- Literature and landscape
- Cross cultural teaching
- Theorising diaspora
- Theorising transcultural literary production
- Teaching Australian literature in China/Australia/ the world
- Chinese Australian writing
- Children’s literature
- Translation of Australian children’s books in China
- The idea of place in Australian literature
- Translating Australian literature
- Literature in translation
- Reading Chinese literature in Australia
- Reception of Australian literature
- Studying literature in China and Australia –similarities and differences
Please submit the following to ASSC.Research@latrobe.edu.au with subject heading “ASAL Conference”:
1) Title of Paper
2) 250 word abstract
3) Name, position, organisation and brief biography (100 words maximum).
Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2017