Australia-China Institute for Arts and Culture, Western Sydney University
· Ref 1384/16
· Parramatta Campus, Sydney Australia
· Remuneration Package $93,659 to $99,365
· Full-Time, Fixed-Term Position for 2 Years
The Western Sydney University is a major urban university spread over six campuses in Greater Western Sydney, a region of great opportunity, diversity, challenge and growth. The University has a strong connection to Greater Western Sydney, working with its communities and businesses to contribute to the region’s growth. The University is culturally diverse, with 2,500 staff and 40,000 students drawn from Australia and around the world.
The Australia China Institute for Arts and Culture is a centre for the exploration and presentation of Chinese arts and culture and the development of innovative and creative collaboration between cultures. The Institute will support existing expertise within Western Sydney University, will educate future generations of students, and will serve as a resource for all Australians aspiring to develop their knowledge and appreciation of Chinese culture through research, education and international exchange.
We are seeking applications from qualified academics with a passion for working on a research program related to Chinese arts and culture and their interaction with Australia. Candidates must be committed to work towards a tangible outcome such as publications, performances or exhibitions of work. Candidates should propose projects for consideration and evaluation by the Steering Committee of the Institute, who will give preference to work that is innovative and advances the objects of the Institute.
This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), 2 year fixed-term position, based at Parramatta South Campus.
For further details outlining the responsibilities of the position, please refer to the position description. If you are interested in applying for this position, you are required to apply online via the University’s, and to address each of the selection criteria.
Remuneration Package: Academic Level A (Step 3-4) $93,659 to $99,356 p.a. (comprising Salary $84,498 to $89,646 p.a., plus 17% Superannuation, plus Leave Loading)
Position Enquiries: Professor Chey, telephone +61 2 9685 9942 or email j.chey@westernsydney.edu.au to discuss your application prior to submission.
Closing Date: 17 October 2016
To view the position description and to apply for this position, please go to the University’s current vacancies website at http://www.westernsydney.edu.au/employment/home/current_vacancies