China: From Antimonopoly Law to Organisation Bureau, China Communist Party
Professor Allan Fels, University of Melbourne
5.30-7.00pm Thursday 6 October, 2016
Malaysian Theatre (B121), Melbourne School of Design (Architecture Building), University of Melbourne
Admission is free, but places are limited so registration is essential
Visit the Eventbrite website to register
This seminar will cover two topics. The first is China’s Antimonopoly Law, in which the speaker has been involved for many years. This will review the history and nature of the law and how it is being applied. As well, there will be a discussion of how the law fits into wider areas of policy in China e.g. Re State Owned Enterprises. The second covers three-week training programs he conducts for very senior Chinese leaders, in partnership with the Organisation Bureau of the CCP. These programs are about political leadership and governance. For Chinese leaders at the level of Vice-Ministers or Director General from the Central Government, Director General from the Organisation Bureau of the CPC, or Party Secretary or Mayor from Chinese cities. In return, the CCP provides a two-week Reciprocal Program for Australian and New Zealand leaders who visit China.
Professor Allan Fels is former Chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, the Trade Practices Commission and the Prices Surveillance Authority. He was Co-chair of the OECD Trade and Competition Committee and has had numerous other government appointments. Professor Fels is Chair of the Australian National Mental Health Commission and of the Haven Foundation. He is currently a professorial fellow at the Universities of Melbourne, Monash and Oxford. Professor Fels is former Dean of the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG). He conducts training programs for Senior Chinese political leaders chosen by the Organization Department of the Communist Party of China and a Reciprocal Program under which the Chinese Communist Party hosts annually about 25 leaders from Australia and New Zealand. Professor Fels was also heavily involved in the thirteen year-process of drafting China’s Antimonopoly Law, 2008 and he subsequently advised the Chinese antimonopoly bodies on the application of the law. He is an editor of the China Competition Bulletin and a Director of the Chinese Competition Research Centre at the University of the Chinese Academy of Science. He is also visiting fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Science.