Reception: 05 July 2016 (Combined book launch from 3:30 PM)
Exhibition: Friday, June 24, 2016 – 10:00 – Friday, July 8, 2016 – 17:00
Location: Photospace, ANU School of Art
Level 2 (Directly upstairs from Childers St entrance)
2 Childers St
Acton ACT 2601
Oil and Water: Being Han in Xinjiang is the first book-length ethnographic study of Han in Xinjiang, China. By shifting focus to the lived experience of ordinary Han settlers, Oil and Water provides an entirely new perspective on Chinese nation-building in the twenty-first century and demonstrates the vital role that Xinjiang Han play in national politics.
Exhibition Reception and Double Book Launch
At 3:30 PM, Jonathan Unger and Assa Doron will launch Andrew Kipnis’s new book, From Village to City: Social Transformation in a Chinese County Seat (University of California Press).
This will be followed by the exhibition reception and the launch of Oil and Water at 4 PM. Martyn Jolly (Head of Photography and Media Arts, ANU School of Art) and Stephanie Hemelryk-Donald (Professor of Comparative Film and Media at Liverpool University, UK) will compare approaches to using text and image together in presenting a story or argument, and discuss the book and exhibition.
Sponsoring Organisations
The Australian Research Council
The School of Culture, History and Language, ANU
The Department of Political and Social Change, ANU
Special thanks to the Inkjet Research Laboratory, ANU School of Art
For map: http://soa.anu.edu.au/event/oil-and-water-being-han-xinjiang