9 Apr – 10 Jul 2016
Archaeological findings of gold, silver, glass, ceramics, sculptures and mural paintings from the Golden Age of China over a millennium ago.
Never before seen in Australia, this exhibition showcases some 130 spectacular objects from the Chinese province of Shaanxi, which demonstrate the high artistic achievements of the Tang dynasty (618–907). It also includes an immersive digital installation using pioneering augmented-reality technology.
Around the 7th century, while London was just a market town of a few thousand people, a city called Chang’an rose to be the capital of the powerful and influential Tang Empire, which stretched from today’s Korea in the north, Vietnam in the south and far into Central Asia. Home of a million people, it was the biggest, most advanced city in the world. Being the start and terminus of the Silk Road, it fostered an outward-looking society with great wealth and tolerance.