In the Asian Studies Association of Australia, we pride ourselves in promoting young scholars as a key part of our activities as a professional association. For this reason, we support the attendance of postgraduate students at our biennial conferences, and the associated postgraduate workshops.
Our Postgraduate Conference Awards are supported by our endowment fund, managed by the Australian National University for the ASAA as the ASAA Presidents’ Fund. This year, we are offering 10 awards, for 10 postgraduate students to attend the 2016 ASAA Conference at the ANU on 5-7 July.
What the awards cover
The awards cover some of the costs of attending the postgraduate workshop as well as the conference. The value of each grant is $810, comprising
The early bird registration fee for the awardee ($120)
Accommodation for 4 nights for the awardee in university accommodation ($600), and
The conference dinner for the awardee ($90).
Awardees’ home institutions will be expected to cover airfares and any other costs provided for by their internal award schemes supporting postgraduate mobility, research and/or networking. Awardees will each be required to present a paper at the conference, and to attend the postgraduate workshop and conference dinner. All awards will be paid directly to the ANU, and not as cash grants to individuals.
All applicants for ASAA postgraduate awards must provide proof of their ASAA membership at the time they submit their applications. Applications by non-members will not be considered.
Deadline and submission instructions
The 2016 deadline is Sunday 10 April at 11:59pm.
Applicants must demonstrate that they are
- ASAA members
- enrolled at a university in Australia or elsewhere, and
- students in a postgraduate program that includes a thesis component.
For more information: