David Dollar
Senior Fellow, China Center, Brookings Institution
5.30-7.00pm Thursday 11 February, 2016
Old Geology South, Theatre 2, University of Melbourne
China’s stock market correction and currency devaluations have sent shock waves through global markets since last summer. President Xi Jinping on his recent visit to the US said that China’s growth slowdown was a normal development now that China has reached middle income and is rebalancing from an investment-led economy to one based more on innovation on the supply side and consumption on the demand side. Chinese leaders expect the economy to grow at 6.5 percent for the rest of this decade. But many analysts and investors around the world fear that the slowdown in China will be sharp and prolonged, with implications for other developing countries and advanced economies. David Dollar will discuss the recent developments in the Chinese economy, the progress with economic reforms that could ease the transition, and different scenarios going forward.
David Dollar is a senior fellow with the Foreign Policy and Global Economy and Development programs in the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution. He is a leading expert on China’s economy and US-China economic relations. From 2009 to 2013 he was the US Treasury’s economic and financial emissary to China. In that capacity, he facilitated the economic and financial policy dialogue between the United States and China, and served as treasury’s eyes and ears on the ground. Dollar worked at the World Bank for 20 years, and from 2004 to 2009, was country director for China and Mongolia. His other World Bank assignments primarily focused on Asian economies, including South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Bangladesh, and India. Prior to his World Bank career, Dollar taught at University of California Los Angeles and at the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He has a doctorate in economics from New York University and a bachelor’s in Chinese history and language from Dartmouth College. He has written extensively about economic reform in China, globalization, and economic growth.
Admission is free but RSVP is essential.
For details and registration: http://chinastudies.unimelb.edu.au/news/2016-contemporary-china-seminar-series