Organized by the Chinese Studies Research Group at the University of Melbourne
Sponsored by the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, the University of Melbourne
Research Day Aims:
♦ To bring together research higher degree students (MPhils and PhDs) and researchers interested in Chinese studies to share research and ideas
♦ To connect both junior and senior researchers and eminent scholars based in Australia
Research Day Theme: Local, National, and Transnational: Interpreting China on Multiple Scales
Over the last few decades, ‘China’ as a homogeneous and self-evident notion, has been subjected to interrogations of its nature, boundaries, and identities. This has led to new understandings of what China has been in the past, is at present, and will be in the future, which have been articulated in the fully recognized diversity and fluidity of being Chinese, contested nationalistic narratives, as well as the complex patterns of interactions beyond its borders. Examinations on these different scales have amounted to a more representative, yet paradoxical, approach to China, which rejects the hegemonic and exclusive definition that embodies the nationalist myths, but at the same time risks invalidating the coherence of ‘China’ as an object of study. Bringing together the scales of ‘local’, ‘national’, and ‘transnational’, the Research Day aims not merely at contesting the notion of ‘China’, but also at exploring the possibilities of re-validating it by synthesising multiple understandings of China. In the hope of stimulating interdisciplinary exchanged and fostering multi-perspective analysis, we invite participants to address various issues in their studies of and about China from a wide range of disciplinary viewpoints.
Who should apply?
The Research Day is designed for higher research degree students and researchers interested in Chinese studies. Applicants based in Australia are highly encouraged to apply.
Application Process
♦ Abstract (250-300 words) of a potential paper relevant to the theme
♦ A short biography
Deadline for application is the 21st of September, 2015.
Applications should be sent electronically to Mr. Xi Ma (csrg.uom@gmail.com). Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Registration Essential
Anyone who wishes to attend without presenting a paper is welcome, but registration is essential for catering purpose.
Please email Mr. Xi Ma (csrg.uom@gmail.com) regarding your intention to attend, before 8 November 2015.