The Australian Centre on China in the World, ANU, Canberra
Wednesday 3 Jun, 5:30 pm
Black Cannon Incident 黑炮事件
(1985, 94 mins, China)
Directed by Huang Jianxin 黄建新
The story of an absurd investigation when engineer Zhao is suspected of international espionage, Black Cannon Incident is a parody of 1950s-1970 spy movies; a rare black comedy satirizing the incompetence and paranoia of the bureaucracy.
Thursday 4 Jun, 5:30 pm
Lessons in Dissent 未夠秤
(2014, 98 mins, Hong Kong/UK)
Directed by Matthew Torne
Lessons in Dissent follows highschool student Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 and his former classmate Ma Jai 馬雲褀, as they lead a massive protest against the proposed National Education curriculum for Hong Kong schools.
Friday 5 Jun, 5:30 pm
The Trouble Shooters 顽主
(1988, 110 mins, China)
Directed by Mi Jiashan 米家山
Adapted from a novel by renowned Chinese writer Wang Shuo, The Troubleshooters is a comedy set in 1980s Beijing, about three friends who open a company specialising in fulfilling people’s dreams — even just for one day.