Abstracts are invited to present a twenty-minute talk within these key policy areas: Education and Research; Cultural Industries & Urban and Regional Environments; Sports and Tourism; Food and Wine; Health and Services; and Inclusion, Cohesion, Resilience and Countering Radicalisation
Submissions must be submitted online by Friday 12 June. Please visit http://www.icas9.com/
Further information: http://www.icas9.com/downloads/Final-Call-for-Abstract-Flyer.pdf
For those not wishing to present, you are still invited to attend, listen and learn. Registration bursaries are available for selected stakeholders to attend free.
For further information please contact conveners Dr Amrita Malhi (amrita.malhi@unisa.edu.au) and Dr Gerry Groot (gerry.groot@adelaide.edu.au). For queries about abstracts/registrations, contact Ms Alison Manser (icas9@icms.com.au).