Theme: Jade Dragon in the Tropics
Location: Cairns Sheridan Hotel, Queensland
Date: Thursday 2 July to Sunday 5 July 2015
Thursday will be pre-conference tours and events.
The conference will finish early afternoon on Sun 5 July
Convenors: Paul Macgregor, Sandi Robb, Janice Wegner
Following on from the success of the Dragon Tails conferences at Ballarat (2009), Melbourne (2011) and Wollongong (2013), we will be holding, in tropical Queensland, the fourth Dragon Tails, an Australasian conference on overseas Chinese history and heritage.
Professor Evelyn Hu-DeHart from Brown University, USA, will be keynote speaker. Professor Hu-DeHart is Professor of History and American Studies, and Director, Consortium of Advanced Studies in Cuba.
The main theme of Dragon Tails 2015 will be the historical experiences and heritage of Chinese in the tropics, both in Australasia and globally.
The Dragon Tails conferences promote research into the histories and heritage of Chinese people, their descendants and their associates, in Australasia (Australia and New Zealand). The conferences also encourage awareness of the connections of Chinese in Australasia with the histories of Chinese people, their descendants and their associates in other countries.
Dragon Tails conferences encourage an approach to history which combines the skills and interests of academic, community, local, family, professional, independent and amateur historians, archaeologists and heritage workers, as well as other professionals, academics and writers with an express interest in this field of research.
For details on submitting proposals: http://www.dragontails2015.org.au/Call_for_Papers.html