Friday 3 October, 8:30am-6:30pm & Saturday 4 October, 9:00am-12:20pm
Rydges Camperdown, 9 Missenden Rd, Camperdown NSW 2050
With an ambitious economic reform programme and a full-scale anti-corruption campaign now under way, the reform of China’s legal system has moved into the top agenda of President Xi Jinping’s administration. The forthcoming Fourth Plenary Session of the Communist Party Central Committee in October 2014 will focus on the development of rule of law in China.
This Workshop will attempt to provide an early review and assessment of the legal and judicial reform under the Xi administration. There is now wide agreement in China that a legal reform that centres upon the reform of the courts and the judicial process is an integral part, and arguably also the least controversial aspect, of the political reform that is sorely needed in a crisis-ridden China. Legal and judicial reform is likely to be the forerunner of any significant socio-political reform agenda that may unfold in the next decade.
The Workshop, which will take place during 3-4 October 2014 on the eve of the Party’s Fourth Plenary Session, will review the first two years of development in legal reform in a wide range of areas, and draw upon international and comparative experience to evaluate and prognosticate the evolving rule of law in China.
During the Workshop, five panels of leading academics, judges and practitioners from China, Australia and elsewhere will address a broad variety of issues in the latest development of Chinese domestic law and international practice. Panel discussions will cover rule of law, constitutionalism, judicial reform, human rights, civil law and justice, corporate and securities law, economic regulation, foreign trade and investment and China’s practice on international law.
Keynote Lecture: China’s Long March Toward Rule of Law by Professor Albert H.Y.Chen from the University of Hong Kong
The Centre for Asian and Pacific Law at the University of Sydney (CAPLUS) is co-sponsoring the Workshop.
For more information, including draft program and registration: