6-8 January 2015
Australian Centre on China in the World, The Australian National University , Canberra, Australia
The Australian Centre on China in the World invites submissions for an international conference on all aspects of the study of Taiwan to take place in its award–winning new building. The conference aims to bring together scholars from Taiwan and around the world to discuss research on Taiwan, pre-historically, historically and in the contemporary world, as well as from all disciplinary backgrounds.
Suggested fields include, but are not limited to:
• History, memory and heritage
• Social movements and informal politics
• Taiwan’s literature, cinema, art, pop culture and its museums
• The history and practice of religion in Taiwan
• Indigenous studies
• Archaeology and pre-history
• The Taiwanese overseas
• International relations, in particular with the Pacific, South-east Asia and Africa
• Political relations in its region, including with the PRC
• Economic relation, including Taiwanese in China and Chinese in Taiwan
• Critical Taiwan studies
A screening of Tsai Ming-liang’s 2013 prize-winning film Stray Dogs 郊 遊 will take place on the evening of January 7, preceded by a discussion with the director. Two of Tsai’s recent short films will also be shown during the conference.
An exhibition of the photography of Long Chin-san 郎靜山 at the Australian Centre on China in the World gallery, generously lent by the National Museum of History, Taipei, will be opened during the conference.
Keynote Speakers:
Dr Lung Ying-tai 龍應台 (Minister of Culture, Republic of China (Taiwan))
Mr Tsai Ming-liang 蔡明亮 (Film Director)
Professor Huang Fu-san 黃富三 (Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica)
Professor Michael Hsiao Hsin-huang 蕭新煌 (Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica)
Emeritus Professor Bruce Jacobs (School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University)
Dr Mark Harrison (School of Humanities, University of Tasmania)
Submission Details
Abstracts (maximum 400 words) are to be submitted to twconf2015@gmail.com by Monday 1 September 2014. Please include in your abstract the paper title, presenter’s name, email address, and institutional affiliation. Abstracts may also be submitted for panels of three speakers.
Important Dates
Call for abstracts closes: 1 September 2014
Abstract acceptance notification: 1 October 2014
Financial Support
The conference organisers will provide accommodation for participants whose papers are accepted for the conference for the nights of 5 – 8 January 2015. We are, however, unable to provide funds for travelling to and from Canberra.
For Taiwanese participants, there are funding opportunities offered by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of China (Taiwan) for international conference attendance.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Information on sponsorship opportunities for the conference will become available shortly.
Nancy Chiu: twconf2015@gmail.com