Date: 10am-12pm, Saturday 19 July 2014
Location: Talanoa Room, Level 2, Coombs Building (9) Australian National University
The workshop is part of the continuing collaborative project, “Northeast Asia and the Korean War: Legacies of Hot and Cold Wars in Contemporary Constructions of the Region”, sponsored by the Australian Research Council. This project strives to provide the first comprehensive study of the socio-economic, cultural and ideological impact of the War on Korea’s neighbours: China, Japan, the Russian Far East, Taiwan and Mongolia. By reconsidering neglected aspects of the engagement of these countries in the War, we aim to deepen understanding of the region’s cold war, thus providing a historical framework for understanding continuing crises on the Korean Peninsula.
Speakers: The speakers will be Prof. Lee Jeanyoung, Dr. Leonid Petrov, Dr. Cathy Churchman (via Skype) and Prof. Tessa Morris-Suzuki.
Open to Public – Free admission